The 8 Strange Objects of Richardson Hall

This page is about the 8 strange objects of Richardson Hall. All of these objects have their own story and this page will introduce the collection of objects and then go into the specifc story of each object.

The Collection

The Tupperware
The Tupperware
The Key
The Key
The Shoe
The Shoe
The Fork
The Fork
The Bottle
The Bottle
The Mug
The Mug
The Sponge
The Sponge
The Spinach
The Spinach

The Tupperware

Don't Touch


This tupperware was allegedly found in the 1980s. Rumours started spreading around Richardson Hall at that time and people were saying that a student's feces were stored in that tupperware. Till this day, the tupperware remains in the moosey and no one dares to touch it as it is believe to be cursed by that student.

The Key

Do Not Go In


This is the room key to one of the most mysterious room at Richardson Hall. There is a rumour that if you are assigned to this room, you will not be seen by anyone until the year is done and if you are seen by someone, that person will go missing. So far that rumour seems to be true because none of us have seen the person residing in that room and it has been almost a year.

The Shoe

The Original's


Apparently, this shoe belongs to the original creator of Richardson Hall. Rumours say that the orginal creator was bretrayed by his partners and he was burried alive under richardson hall and this shoe is a reminder of the orginal owner.

The Fork

Double-Edged Nature


This is the fork of Richardson Hall. The tale of this fork is that if anyone uses this fork to eat a meal before their exam, they will get a HD in one of their units. However, the fork comes with a price. The price being, they will have to deal with diarrhea for a week after their exams.

The Bottle

Richo Forever


This bottle contains the spit of every resident since the 1980s. A resident spits into this bottle on their last day of residance at Richardson Hall. It is an odd tradion but people are still doing it. However, some people decided to add something extra into the bottle and that resulted in the seperation of the liquid and the orange colour.

The Mug

The Drink of Pure Bliss


This mug may appear unpleasant but in actuality, this mug was used to cure a plague in the 1980s called "The Richo Flu". This mug is still around and rumours say that drinking tea from this mug could cure any sickness.

The Sponge

Collecting Filth


This sponge is a lifesaver for residential advisors at Richardson Hall since the 1990s because oddly, this sponge is able clean vomit like it is nothing. It is absolutely filthy and we still don't know why we can't just use another sponge.

The Spinach

Green Magic


This bag of spinach is currently 20 years old and one student has to drink a shake that is made with this spinach before they leave Richardson Hall at the end of the year. That one single student is chosen through a vote by the rest of the students at the end of the year. This vote is to decide who will be consuming the spinach and this tradition is still going on. It is also said that the spinach is able to improve a person's intelligence.